Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Results haven been Tallied . . .

I am really excited for this tid bit of news! But now the bad news. Kamryn's adorable room now has to be repainted for a boys room before September. Her room now is the smallest bedroom in the house and is not big enough for 2 kids to share, soooooo we are going to repaint the pink part, above the white bead board something for a boy and move Tyson in that room. Austin is going to move downstairs and share a room with Caden. And then we need to redo the room Tyson and Austin are currently sharing for Kamryn and the new baby. Phew! At least Greg will be done with school the first week in June and will have all summer to get it done. The boys are excited for another little sister, which was actually kind of surprising to me, but I'm glad they are happy. Kamryn has no clue what is going on. And the boys think they get to name the new baby. I asked for suggestions and Caden said, Madisyn (which I really like), Tyson said, Jocelyn (not so keen on this one), and Austin said, Bumble bee (this is my choice by a long mile). My only requirement for a name is that it has to end with an "N", so if anyone has suggestions, I'm open. I have a couple others in mind, but nothing that has jumped out at me and Greg isn't really helping with this. He wanted to name her Hermoine after the witch on Harry Potter, seriously?!? Then his second choice was Miriam, and people he was serious about these names, again I say, seriously?!? The pregnancy has been going smoothly the past month or so, the 2nd trimester is usually my easiest part of pregnancy, just constantly battling the exhaustion, but I guess you kind of get used to living with a fuzzy headache like feeling. And those of you who work nights, totally understand what fuzzy feeling I'm talking about. Other than the pregnancy, nothing really new to report. Kids just getting excited for warmer weather, and I'm looking forward to summer too. Because then Greg is home and I get to sleep when I get home from work in the mornings, a beautiful thing! So I hope all is well with everyone else out there in blogger world.


Mandy B said...

Congrats! That sounds like a lot of fun and a lot of work all wrapped up into one. I am digging the Bumble Bee option the best also. =) We just had our 15 week ultrasound and the doc thinks ours is a girl and my husband thinks she is going to be an Emma. Seriously?!...that's the thought that ran through my head too. Again, congrats and I am very excited for you!

Annie said...

Oh man, let me think. I do really want to vote for bumble bee too but I think I like Madisyn the best. I'll keep thinking though, never know what name pops up at work.... like Shamra! he,he.

Gardiner said...

YES! A girl! It will be good for Kamryn to have a sister. Sounds like you guys have lots of painting to do, when you're done you can come help us paint the hideous purple that graces our front entry way. My vote for a name is Adalyn. I remember you said you liked that name when we had her in the nursery. I have liked it since. Good luck, miss you!

Greg said...

I want everyone to know I was only kidding about the first name. I really do like the miraim. It sounds cool and I have yet to meet an ungly one.

Greg said...

I forgot one thing. When Marci says we have to paint Kam's room and do all that stuff in the boys rooms, what she is really saying is Greg has to do all that stuff. Then she gets mad that I don't have my honey do list done. Whats a guy lik eme to do? Most days I sit in the fetal position and wonder when my next beating is going to happen :)

Greg said...

I am done. I am now out of school for a very long time.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Marci and Greg. We are really excited for you. Greg, have fun painting. We love you guys and hope we can see you sometime soon. Love, Van and Judi